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Minnesota Court Records

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Hennepin County Probate Records

Hennepin County probate records refer to materials that document legal actions and decisions of the county’s probate court. They comprise all documents produced or filed in the course of probate proceedings, such as wills, estate inventories, dockets, petitions, letters of administration, judicial decrees, and bonds. Probate is a legal process by which a deceased person’s estate is formally distributed to their new owners in accordance with the terms of a will or court ruling.

Hennepin County residents use probate records to trace estate settlements supervised by the county’s probate court. These records are also useful for resolving will disputes, historical research, and genealogy research. The court preserves the records in paper and electronic formats. In Minnesota, the court may only initiate probate 5 days after the testator's death.

Are Probate Records Public?

Yes. Section 13.06 of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Acts (MGDPA) sets forth that all government agency records, including Hennepin County court records, created while conducting public business in the state are public. This implies that Hennepin probate records are public and subject to public viewing and copying, except exempted by other state or federal law provisions or by temporary classification.

Access to exempt records is typically restricted to case parties, entities with a statutory right of access, and individuals with court authorization. Non-public documents that may constitute a probate record include:

  • Mediation reports
  • Financial statement
  • Mediation report
  • Psychological assessment records
  • Fee waiver applications
  • Capacity declaration.

What is Probate Court in Hennepin County?

A probate court is a court with jurisdiction over will execution and estate administration of deceased persons. The Hennepin Probate/Mental Health Court presides over all matters of probate filed in the county, hearing cases pertaining to wills, trusts, civil commitments, guardianship and conservatorship, and estates. The mental health segment of this court oversees the commitment of people to treatment facilities based on allegations of developmental disability, mental illness, and chemical dependency. The courthouse is located at:

Hennepin County District Court - Probate / Mental Health Court
Hennepin County Government Center
300 South 6th Street, Room C-400
Minneapolis, MN 55487
Phone: (612) 348-3244
Fax: (612) 348-2130

Probate Court Case Lookup

Probate case records are maintained by the court clerk via a centralized Records Center. These records may be obtained at Record Center Public Terminals, in person, or by mail. Public terminals are open 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Record seekers may submit a record copy request—which must include the requestor’s name, address, phone number, and email address—by mail or in the drop-box at:

Hennepin County Government Center
4th District Court Records Center
300 South 6th Street, #SK-0260
Minneapolis, MN 55487-0332.

Nominal fees apply and are payable by check or credit card. Important information needed to furnish a record search are case numbers and the first and last names of record subjects. Individuals looking to obtain record copies should expect to pay applicable nominal fees. Online access is provided through the MCRO website. Note that a researcher who is not a subject to a non-public case must obtain court authorization to access related records.

How to Find Probate Records Online Free

Online access to Hennepin County probate records may be achieved through Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO). Public access terminals are provided at courthouse locations for this purpose. Searches on this platform are primarily name-based, requiring only the first and last names of record subjects. Additional search options allow users to input a record subject’s date of birth, case filing date, and case status. Note that this resource offers statewide coverage, although it allows researchers to limit searches to the county of interest.

As an alternative, one may explore various third-party websites. While many of these websites are usually free, a majority charges minimal fees for searches. Just like MCRO, searches on these sites are mostly name-based. An additional feature that is obtainable is a search by case numbers. Note that information obtainable from online resources cannot be substituted for official copies. Official records are only available at the courthouse and typically come at a cost.

How Long Does Probate Take in Minnesota?

Probate settlements in Minnesota typically take 6 to 12 months. However, depending on factors like the complexity of the estate and disputes, they may take longer. Other contributing factors include the number of beneficiaries, the existence of a will, court availability, and the estate’s size.

Are Wills Public Record?

Per Minn. Stat. § 524.2-515, wills deposited in any court in Hennepin County remain confidential during the lifetime of the testator, as they are sealed initial documents. These records only become public when they are filed for probate following the death of the testator. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 524.2-516, if a testator dies as a resident of the county where their will was deposited, an "interested party" may file a Petition for Copy of Will for Safekeeping, provided they have a certified copy of the testator’s death certificate (which must be filed alongside the petition).

How to Find Out If Someone Has a Will

Unless a will’s testator discloses that they have a will, it is not possible to determine whether or not it exists while the testator is still alive. Wills only become public after the death of the testator and are only admissible for probate proceedings at least five days after death. As such, individuals with interests in a deceased person’s estate who wish to find out if they had a will can inquire at the probate court in the county where the deceased lived, died, or owned a property five days from the date of death.

Interested individuals may also inquire about a will’s existence from the decedent’s personal representative (also referred to as an executor, fiduciary principal, or administrator), which could be an adult child, an attorney, a spouse, a trust company, or any party chosen by the deceased.

Hennepin County Family Court Case Search

The Hennepin County Records Center maintains custody of case records filed in the Hennepin Family Court and may facilitate a record search. Records can also be obtained online via the MCRO website. Both methods require the names of record subjects and, if known, the case number. Although generally presumed public, note that many family case records are confidential, and associated records are non-public.

One must be a case party, their close relative, their representative, or a court-authorized individual to access such records. Examples of non-public family records include juvenile records, adoption records, and dependency records. For in-person inquiries, contact the courthouse at:

Hennepin County District Court - Family Court
Family Justice Center
110 South 4th Street, Room 600
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Phone: (612) 348-6734
Fax: (612) 596-9309

  • Criminal Records
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  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
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  • Death Records
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  • And More!